A New Balance: Protein and Carbs after Lap Band Surgery

A New Balance: Protein and Carbs after Lap Band Surgery
A New Balance: Protein and Carbs after Lap Band Surgery

The days immediately following lap band surgery can be among the most exciting of your life. After all, patients emerge from surgery with a second chance. This time gives patients an opportunity to start over, build new, healthier habits, and to heal their relationships to food and their bodies. Learning how to balance protein and carbs in a healthy diet is essential to this process.

To feel and look your best, you need a delicate balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins form the building blocks for your body’s skin, muscle, and connective tissue. Lean proteins from fish, chicken, and eggs should form the bulk of your diet. Check labels, and make sure you’re getting 30-40 grams of protein daily. This will make your meals seem satisfying while helping you to maintain fat-incinerating lean muscle mass. Experiment with new, flavorful preparations like roasting, or poaching in wine and citrus rather than fatty sauces. You’ll establish lighter eating habits with the added benefit of a more pleasurable dining experience.

Carbohydrates and fats are the fuel sources that keep your body’s internal engine purring. The fact is that you need moderate amounts of both carbohydrates and healthy fats to function properly. However, it is crucial that you favor quality over quantity in this department. Many carbohydrate sources can be void of nutrition, and can even cause inflammation and cravings. The worst culprits are simple carbohydrates such as those found in starchy foods and sugary drinks. Opt for more satisfying, antioxidant, and nutrient rich choices like organic fruits, steamed vegetables and whole grains. These are absorbed more gently by your system, and have the added benefit of protecting your body against aging and illness. As for fats, you need just one or two teaspoons per day to support your nervous system, and healthy cells. Look to raw nuts, seeds, and cold pressed olive or flax oil as your primary sources. Your body can easily assimilate these fats for glowing hair and skin with none of the detrimental effects to your cardiovascular system incurred from trans fats. Slowing down to savor your meals, and chewing your food completely will make these foods easier to digest, and will leave you feeling fuller.

Learning new ways to plan your menus after gastric banding in Utah can be a culinary adventure. As you get used to eating in harmony with your body’s needs, you’ll find yourself feeling more energized and excited about your new life than ever before. Bon Appétit!