Winter Weight Loss Tips

Winter Weight Loss Tips
Winter Weight Loss Tips

Many people gain weight during the winter, due in part to staying indoors more often because of the cold weather and also the large number of holiday treats that are offered during this time. However, you can take steps to minimize your risk for gaining weight during the winter.

First, you want to minimize the temptation to pig out on unhealthy foods. Stock up on healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Having these on hand will help keep you from eating less healthy foods. If you have a craving for a treat, try having just a small portion and then distracting yourself with another activity to keep you from eating more. Learn about proper portion size, and stick to one portion. Limiting or avoiding alcohol can help as well, since alcohol lowers your inhibitions and may lead to consuming more junk food.

Next, you will want to increase your physical activity. Multitask while you are talking on the phone, doing chores at the same time so you don’t spend lots of time sitting still. Try to walk more instead of driving, and make sure you get at least some exercise each day even if it is cold outside. Exercising indoors at home or at the gym will allow you to exercise and stay warm.

If you have a lot of weight to lose, you may want to speak with a weight loss surgeon in Salt Lake City to see if you qualify for this type of surgery. Having a stomach bypass in Salt Lake City can help you lose weight and keep it off long term.